Welcome! This is where you will find information about privacy at pixevety when using the platform and mobile application. To make this huge topic a little easier to navigate, we have taken a layered approach.
To download a full copy of our Platform Privacy Policy, click here.
Your right and obligations
At pixevety, we believe that you have a right to privacy and to control, to the greatest extent possible, what happens to your personal information.
As a company that provides a service to you, we have obligations under privacy law to ensure that personal information is collected and handled in a way that is fair and within your reasonable expectations.
To ensure your rights and our obligations are upheld, we stick to globally recognised privacy principles in our collection, use, storage, security, disclosure, and any other handling of personal information. We also follow the privacy rules of the countries within which we operate.
Personal account holders may choose to cancel their Account at any time by accessing their My Account area available within their Personal Gallery and clicking on the Delete My Account button which is a permanent action and will remove all data, photos and other content. This action once activated is permanent, is not recoverable and cannot be undone.
Personal Information
Depending on where you are in the world, the definition for personal information may vary a little. In simple terms, it is information that identifies you, or could easily lead to you being identified.
You might know personal information as ‘personal data’ or ‘personally identifiable information (PII)’ or some other term. If the privacy law in your region refers to personal information by one of these terms, you will see the correct term used when you access the document provided within Our Policies section for your region.
The principles we follow
The countries where we operate all have privacy laws that contain rules for how organisations like ours must collect, use, store, secure, disclose and otherwise manage your personal information. These laws contain principles to guide our decision-making, and globally, the principles are very similar.
To help us ensure best privacy practice no matter where in the world we are providing our services, pixevety has adopted the following principles as our baseline:
Our personal information handling practices are visible and accessible.
We provide you with choice and control around what happens to your personal information.
We lawfully and fairly collect only the personal information we need. We collect it with your knowledge and, where required, with your consent.
We are clear about the purposes for which we collect personal information, and this is made known to you up front.
We use only the required and appropriate personal information for a task, and ensure that it remains accurate, complete, and up to date.
We only use or disclose personal information for the purpose we collected it unless the law permits or requires something else.
We protect personal information using a range of physical, technical, and administrative safeguards.
We support your right to access, and make corrections to, the personal information we hold about you.
We will regularly review our personal information management practices. If we receive a privacy complaint, we will manage it in a timely manner.
You can find out more about how we apply these principles in practice by reading Our Principles in the document provided.
The world is changing… and so is the privacy landscape we operate in. This means we might need to update the information on this website and in the downloadable copy available here, including Our Principles and Our Policies, from time to time to ensure that our personal information handling practices are correctly reflected. This may occur without notice; however, we will always post a “last revised” date for your information and (if the changes are significant) we will make sure you are aware.
Ways we make sure you are aware can include: an email to the address connected to your pixevety account, a notification banner on our brochure site or a pop-up notice on the pixevety platform or within our mobile app.
It is important to us that you can understand our approach to privacy, and we have taken care to make the information here easy to read and digest. If you have any questions, we encourage you to read through our FAQs. If you don’t find the answer you are looking for, please contact us through any of the following channels:

Effective date: September 7, 2017.
Last revised: July 17, 2023.